Jefferson Dadinho

Jefferson Dadinho

Teacher, dancer and choreographer, Jefferson Dadinho is one of the most demanded zouk teachers today. Became publicly acknowledged by Brazilian and international society for the adoption of his own style by applying general techniques of Street Dance in social dancing. As a choreographer works with bands performing concerts in Brazil, Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy.

Starting in 2010 he decided to invest more in zouk and soon became a choreographic assistant in Cia Renato Veronezi. At the same time, he achieved excellent results in major zouk national championships. He was vice-champion of Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Brazil and worldwide between 2010 and 2011. Since then he traveled to several Brazilian cities participating in congresses and workshops. Among others are Florianópolis(SC), Cuiabá (MT), Rio de Janeiro, Uberlândia (MG), Brasília (DF).

In 2012, he began his international career, and has been teaching and performing already in Argentina, England, Russia, Holland, Austria, Czech and the USA. Between trips and other activities, he opened classes in Cia Boombox, training teachers of zouk and other social dances, he’s been working there for 2 years now.

Check out few demos performed by Dadinho: